Danish Waffle Cones size:135/140 mm (1 scoop) Code:1204

Code: 1204

Capacity: recommended for 1 scoop

Diameter: 50 mm

Height: 135/140 mm

Number of pieces/carton: 468

Number of cartons/pallet: 30

ODL (optimal use-by date): 24 months

Protection for transport PaperFoam bio-biodegradable and made from starch and cellulose fibres.

Our waffles contain just the right combination of butter, sugar, water and seasonings. But we’ll say no more ..

The exact ingredients are a well-kept secret, but we can reveal that the popularity of our cones is especially due to their unique combination of butter, sugar, water and our own mixture of seasonings. It guarantees high-quality ice cream cones which are distinguished by a sublime taste and an exceptional crunchiness.